
    • Dragon King Temple
      Dragon King Temple is located in Zaohe, an ancient town 20 kilometers northwest of Suqian City, Jiangsu Province. It was built in the reign of Shunzhi in Qing Dynasty and rebuilt in 1684. The building group is a sacrificial building built by the emperors of Qing Dynasty to pray for the Dragon King to "calm the waves and eliminate the flood", so it is named "the Dragon King Temple of Anlan". Because Emperor Qianlong visited Jiangnan six times and stayed here five times, it is also called "Qianlong Palace".
    • Chenjia dayuan
      Chenjiayuan is located in Zaohe, a millennium old town in Suqian section of Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal. The building complex was built in Jiaqing period of Qing Dynasty and is the largest ancient residence of Qing Dynasty in Suqian. In 2004, Suqian Municipal People's government announced it as a municipal cultural relics protection unit. It used to be the private residence of Mr. Ma in Luoma Lake, Suqian. Later, it was sold to Chen Yongmao, a businessman in Shandong Province. It lasted until the eve of liberation, so it was called Chen's courtyard.
    • He shan tang
      Heshan hall is located in Zaohe Town, 100 meters north of the national key cultural relics protection unit Longwang temple palace. It was built in the 20th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty. It is a municipal cultural relics protection unit. The layout of the building is standard, the structure of the house is in good condition, the front and back of the building are in the courtyard, and the main gate faces south. The main hall and the East and West rooms in the backyard are all built on the ridge of a hard mountain, with kneeling beasts and dragon kisses. The main hall is deep with five shelves and a front porch, with three bays on the front and ear rooms on both sides
    • Cai shen miao
      Located in the north of Zaohe Town, Suqian City, the temple of God of wealth was built during the reign of Emperor Kangxi of Qing Dynasty. The building is of corridor courtyard style, brick and wood structure, small flat tile roof, three bright and five dark main hall and four front rooms, with a construction area of 350 square meters and a total area of 550 square meters. The temple of God of wealth was originally a folk temple for worshiping God of wealth. On auspicious days, people around the temple went to offer incense, worship God of wealth, pray for blessing and give money.
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    Address: No.10 Tongsheng street, Zaohe Town, Hubin New District, Suqian City, Jiangsu Province tel: 0527-80701309